A Short-circuit Protection Method based on Detection of Power MOSFET Turn-on Voltage Drop 基于功率MOSFET导通压降的短路保护方法
When a new clean AC power supply is designed, it is very necessary to know the relationship between the equivalent induction and the thyristor turn-on angle. 在设计新型交流净化电源时,掌握等效电感和双向晶闸管延迟导通角之间的关系很重要。
The technology of synchronous rectification is to replace rectifying diode with power MOSFET which has low turn-on resistance, so it can decrease the dissipation of rectifier circuit greatly, improve the efficiency of DC/ DC converter and meet the needs of low-voltage and large current rectifier. 同步整流技术采用通态电阻极低的电力MOSFET来取代整流二极管,能大大降低整流电路的损耗,提高DC/DC变换器的效率,满足低压、大电流整流器的需要。
The range of resonant capacitor, the important factor to soft-switching process, not only affects zero-voltage turn-off of power switches, but also affects the range of zero-voltage turn-on of power switches. So resonant capacitors must be considered according to many aspects; 谐振电容是影响软开关工作状态的重要因素,其大小不仅影响开关管的零电压关断,同时也影响开关管的零电压开通范围,因此,谐振电容应该综合考虑;
A single switch and uncontrolled three-phase rectified bridges are used to obtain the high power factor and low harmonic input current. A small Cuk capacitor is used to obtain the zero-current turn-on and zero-voltage turn-off of the switching. 该电路采用单开关和三相整流桥实现高功率因数和低谐波电流输入,同时在后级Cuk变换器中采用小容量的过渡电容,使得开关工作在零电流开通和零电压分断。
The input power supply as well as the bypass inductance energy can be thoroughly cut off by controlling the shutoff of isolating switch and the turn-on of the master switch so as to prevent the power supply and inductance energy from transforming to the output end. 当其输出出现短路故障时,通过控制隔离开关的关断和主开关的导通,可彻底切断输入电源并旁路电感能量,阻止电源和电感能量传输到输出端。
This soft-switching structure increases a charge-discharge capacitor and two IGBTs between inverter and power, IGBT control the power turn-on and off, causing the capacitor charging and discharging, forming a soft-switching condition. 该拓扑结构是在逆变桥和电源之间增加一个充放电电容和两个IGBT,通过IGBT控制电源通断,使电容充放电,形成软开关的条件。
The average input power control method based on the adjustment of turn-on time is simple and effective. 基于调节导通时间的逆变器输入平均功率控制方法简单有效,通过配接各种灯泡的实验证明了该功率闭环控制策略的可行性与准确性。
In the part of power devices with IGBT, the loss can be divided into four parts: conduction loss, off-state loss, turn-on loss and turn-off loss. 采用IGBT作为主功率开关元件,由功率开关元件引起的损耗主要有导通损耗、断态损耗、开通损耗和关断损耗。
The control signals amplified by floating channel bootstrap drive circuits, then provide gate drive to Power MOSFET, through turn-on and turn-off the switches, to realize inverter. 由单片机发出的控制信号,经自举式浮充电路放大后给电力场效应管提供栅极驱动,通过开关器件的导通与关断,实现对直流电的逆变过程。